Today’s workplaces are usually open-concept spaces, and often involve working in close proximity to others. Because of this close-contact environment, there are safety protocols that need to be observed to keep everyone as safe as possible, and minimize workplace impact.
Some protocols include:
- Physical distancing. This must be practiced. Stay at least 3’ from others, preferably 6’, and message co-workers rather than walking over to their desk.
- Avoid conference-room meetings if possible, opting for virtual meetings instead.
- And if you feel the least bit sick, stay home.
- Move as far away from anyone as possible if you have to sneeze or cough.
- Always sneeze or cough into a tissue or if you have no tissue, your elbow.
- Throw used tissues in the trash can immediately.
- Handwash frequently, or use hand sanitizer if it’s not possible to access soap and water.
Since COVID-19 can remain on surfaces for several hours to many days, it’s smart to consider surfaces that you wouldn’t normally think of.
- Carry your own pen, and don’t loan
- If you wear glasses, sanitize the arms and nose bridge whenever you sanitize your hands
- Remember to sanitize your keyboard, devices screens, fitbits, and smart watches
- If you’re wearing a coat, sanitize buttons and zipper pulls